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Aluminum Restoration Cleaning Solution cleans and removes chalky oxidation from aluminum and other painted metals in a single pass. Once dried, the product leaves a coating of corrosion protection for the treated surface. Regular maintenance and product application will help prevent the ongoing effects from harsh sun and inclement weather.

No. The product is designed to work with limited pre-cleaning. Just wipe and go.

The product works immediately on the first application. However, the finish will improve with each subsequent application. For large surface areas, like a garage door, a second coating is recommended for the best result. However, on a smaller surface, such as a light fixture, potentially a single application may be all that you need.

Absolutely, Yes. The ability to easily reapply the product is a key attribute of Aluminum Restoration Cleaning Solution. Each subsequent application enhances corrosion protection and builds additional layers of protective film to the surface being treated.

Subsequent applications can be made immediately after the last application is dry. Regular maintenance and application is recommended as needed.

The time to dry is impacted by the amount of direct sunlight exposure and temperature. Shaded areas will take a little longer than direct sunlight. As a general rule of thumb, the product will fully dry in most sunlight and temperature conditions in under 1 hour. Product is cured/dry when it is dry to the touch.

Sure. However, you should allow the product to work for at least 1-2 minutes on the treated area to fully penetrate the substrate before another coating. If you want to help facilitate the drying process, a dry rag with no product can be used. However, be aware that you will be taking a small amount of the product away on the dry rag as you wipe, so use light pressure with the dry towel.

Ideally, the product is best applied when temperatures are between 50F – 105F, depending on whether the surface is in shade or direct sunlight. Ideal application conditions for direct sunlight are between 45F and 75F.

The life of the treatment depends on the severity of sun exposure. Surfaces with Northern and Eastern exposures will have higher chalking resistance while Southern and Western exposures generally need to be retreated more regularly.

No; The product is hydrophobic and repels water; It starts repelling within minutes after application.

Temperature does not impact the finish, sun exposure is the primary factor that impacts finish.

The product is used full strength. The product is a water displacing product (not water soluble) and therefore cannot be diluted.

For optimal results, the product should be applied to a microfiber towel which is then wiped on the surface being treated.

No need for elbow grease. Simply dampen a microfiber rag and wipe the surface that needs treatment. That’s all.

We recommend using a microfiber towel for application. Use a dry potion of the towel for final wipe to wipe off any excess residue.

The life of rags depends upon the condition of the surface being cleaned. Simply determine the remaining life of a towel by visually inspecting the amount of chalk/residue on the towel. For best results, use a clean towel with each application.

No, it will precipitate out to the bottom of the bottle.

No, the product is water displacing, so water will end up at the bottom of the bottle and not mix with the product.

If the product is stored in a controlled temperature environment with no extremes in temperature changes, the product should last up to 10 years or beyond.

Absolutely. AL-NEW is committed to 100% customer satisfaction. If you are not satisfied with AL-NEW Aluminum Restoration Cleaning Solution, we want to quickly correct the problem. Our 'Risk Free Guarantee' was conceived with the customer in mind and we will be happy to refund the purchase price within 30 days. No questions asked. We want you to have a great experience with AL-NEW and ask that you send inquires to refunds@alnew.com so your refund can be processed promptly. Please feel free to read through our FAQs if you are not sure you applied the product correctly or call 1-262-346-1570 if you have any further questions.


Aluminum Restoration Cleaning Solution removes chalky oxidation from painted aluminum and anodized aluminum surfaces.

As indicated on the back panel of the bottle, primary applications include: Garage doors, Commercial anodized windows & doors, Residential windows, Aluminum entry doors, patio doors, light fixtures, patio furniture, fences, gates, and railing, awnings, and stainless steel.

Absolutely. Aluminum Restoration Cleaning Solution does an amazing job on stainless steel and other metal substrates. Simply apply a thin coat, allow it to dry and buff out with a dry cloth. You will be amazed at the finish. AL-NEW is not recommended for use on Cast-Iron products.

Yes. Results on fiberglass in products like hot tubs has shown very positive results. (See Gallery Pictures) However, be aware that reapplication of the product will be needed sooner when used on non-ferrous applications.

No. Aluminum Restoration Cleaning Solution will not remove tarnish on non-ferrous alloys.

No. That is not an intended application. We recommend using one of the many products on the market targeting the removal of mold and mildew.

No. We do recommend the use of a product focused on Calcium, Lime, and Rust removal (like CLR) for hard water stains. However, after the stains have been removed, we do recommend a final coat of Aluminum Restoration Solution as a protective barrier to future stains from hard water or bird waste.


It is always recommended to wear chemical resistant gloves and protective eyeglasses while using the product.

With a flashpoint of 203 F, per guidelines of the US Federal Hazardous Substances Act (FHSA), the product is not classified as combustible or flammable. However, precaution should still be taken to keep the product away from heat, sparks, and open flame.

Al-New should be stored in a well ventilated and cool dry location. The container should be kept closed when not in use. It is recommended that the product should be locked up when not in use.

The product is classified as EXEMPT relative to VOC.

AL-NEW Restoration Cleaning Solution uses a petroleum based solvent and generally would not be considered “green”.

Precaution should be taken before use and handling of the product to review in detail the guidelines provided on the bottle label and the product Safety Data Sheet (SDS).

Rags should be allowed to dry after use and disposed.
