AL-NEW Aluminum Restoration Cleaning Solution is the best restoration cleaning solution on the market and for a good reason. This solution is made to revive and refurbish patio furniture, window frames, door handles, metal signage, light fixtures, garage doors, and much more! Not to mention, you can purchase this solution for a great price! Check out the secret behind this magic solution below.
How it works
AL-NEW Aluminum Restoration Cleaning Solution removes chalky oxidation from aluminum and other household metals to make them look new again. The solution restores the original shine and luster while leaving a coating of corrosion protection on the treated surface. This coating helps to protect the surface from inclement weather, sun damage, and much more! The product doesn’t leave streak marks from rain, either!
How to apply
AL-NEW Aluminum Restoration Cleaning Solution is well-known because it is easy to use, apply, and results are seen immediately! Simply take a microfiber cloth and apply the solution to the material. Wipe the surface and apply one coat. Wait for it to dry and you’re good to go! Reapply as needed to prevent future discoloration and damage.
How to purchase
Give the best restoration cleaning solution on the market a try! Plus, we offer a 30-day guarantee if you are unsatisfied with your results. Purchase your first bottle of AL-NEW Aluminum Restoration Cleaning Solution by calling (262) 346-1570 today!