When thinking about making improvements to your home or building’s exterior, there are a variety of options that can be impactful, but they always come with a cost. These costs only increase depending on the age of your home, the quality of the materials used in construction, and whether you’re looking to replace for new or revive the existing.
For example, in a 1960’s vintage apartment building, we looked at our options in regards to the storm windows. Throughout decades of wear and tear, we knew we had a few choices, live with it, replace them with new window frames, or find a solution for renewing them. Here’s the breakdown of the facts involved in this decision.
- 6-unit apartment complex
- 7 windows per unit
- Original storm windows with 1960’s frames
- Est. $2,000 per unit to replace all windows
- Opted to replace in 1 unit
With a bill of approximately $10,000 looming to replace all of the windows in the remaining units, we searched for another alternative. Due to the degree of aging and wear on these frames, using the AL-NEW Aluminum Restoration Solution in the past has yielded imperfect results, but we opted to try it again. In combination with a Scotch Brite cleaning pad to help lift deep-set stains, the AL-NEW product was able to significantly improve the overall appearance of the window frames.
With the right tools, some creativity and patience, and a little bit of elbow grease, it’s possible to renew the problem areas in your home versus having to replace it. This can improve the exterior appearance of your home or building, without breaking the bank. You can then use the money you saved to fix other issues or save them for future maintenance. Talk about a win-win.